Thanks.” Thrass set the groundlion where Thrawn had suggested. “They’ll be better able to support each other if you decide on a sortie.” “You’ll want to put this beside the whisperbird,” he added, pointing to Thrass’s holding zone. “Perhaps in full voice would be a more accurate description.” He moved his nightdragon, tapped the groundlion, and handed it to Thrass. “Yes, I’ve seen the Syndicure in action,” Thrawn said drily. “But not as important as verbal skills and basic theatrics.”

He moved his groundlion, tapped one of Thrawn’s stingflies, and took it off the board. “Oh, they’re important enough,” Thrass agreed. “I thought tactics and strategy were basic tools of the trade in the Syndicure.” “A game that plays to all of your strengths and against all of mine? Foolish syndic that I am.” “And I’ll never know how I ever let you talk me into this,” Thrass said, mock-crossly. “Not a bad showing for someone who only learned the game eight weeks ago.”
“But you’re up three stingflies,” Thrawn reminded him. “Though all the compliments in the universe can’t hide the fact I’m still down a firewolf and a whisperbird.” “And I appreciate that, as well,” Thrass said, looking pointedly at the two holding zones along the sides of the board. Unlike you, however, I can honestly do so.” “I’d like to say in turn that you’re playing far better than you did at our last session. “I appreciate the vote of confidence in my game,” he said.

Thrawn shrugged as he moved one of his firewolves across the Tactica playing board laid out on the game café table between them. “I’d like to say you’re in trouble,” Thrass commented. This excerpt is taken from one of the recurring "memory" sections in the book, featuring a flashback to a young Thrawn and his friend Thrass before the main events of the novel. The fallout of his actions here may just give fans new insight into why Thrawn ultimately leaves the Chiss for the Galactic Empire. But first, a little background info is in order.Īt this point in the series, the Chiss Ascendancy is hurtling toward all-out civil war, and Thrawn himself will have to dig deep into a conspiracy surrounding the Chiss' First Ruling Family. As with the previous two books in the series, IGN can debut an exclusive excerpt of Lesser Evil ahead of its release.